Thursday, January 8, 2009


Research Report and Presentation
Proposal due: 3/10/09
Assignment due: 3/29/09

Research a topic that relates to either the history or contemporary practices of graphic design. Write a three-page paper on the topic. Include images when appropriate. Follow MLA guidelines for in-text citation and works cited list. Prepare a 15-minute Power Point slide show of your chosen topic to present orally in class.

This research report and presentation on a historical period or contemporary practice of graphic design will serve as introduction to specific movements, graphic designers, and design works for both the researcher and the class.

Possible Topics:
Renaissance (Albert Durer, Johann Gutenberg,)
Early Typography (John Baskerville, Giambattista Bodoni, Francesco da Bologna (Griffo), William Caslon, Franciose Didot, Claude Garamond, Nicolas Jenson, Geoffroy Troy)
Victorian (Joseph A. Adams, Charles Dana Gibson, Harpers and Brothers publications, Owen Jones, Louis Prang and Company, Aloys Senefelder)
The Arts and Crafts Style (Will Bradley, Aubrey Beardsley, Century Guild, Walter Crane, Kelmscott Press, Arthur H. Mackmurdo, Glasgow Style- Charles Rennie Mackintosh, William Morris, Morris & Co., William Pickering, Gustav Stickley)
Art Nouveau ( Jules Cheret, Hans Christiansen, Eugene Grasset Dudley Hardy, Jegenstil, Toulouse Lautrec, Henri Meunier, Alphonse Mucha,)
Vienna Secession (Gustav Klimt, Josef Olbrich, Alfred Roller, Otto Wagner, Wiener Werkstatte- Josef Hoffmann & Koloman Moser)
Plakastil (Lucian Bernhard, A.M. Cassandre, Austin Cooper, Das Plakat Magazine, Hans Rudi Erdt, Ludwig Hohlwein, E. McKnight Kauffer, Schulz-Neudamm)
Posters on Society (WWI) (Lucian Bernhard (also plakastil), Hans Rudi Erdt, James Montgomery Flagg, Ludwig Hohlwein (also plakastil), E. McKnight Kauffer (also plakastil) Julius Klinger, Otto Lehman, Saville Lumsley, Jesse Willcox Smith, J. Paul Verrees)
Expressionism (George Groez, Kokoschka, Kirschner, Kathe Kolwitz)
Futurism (Guillaume Apollinaire, Carlo Carré, Fortunato Depero, Filippo Marinetti, Severini, Ardengo Soffici)
Constructivism (Henryk Berlewi, El Lissitzky, Kasimir Malevich, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Alexander Rodchenko, Georgy and Vladimir Stenberg- designed film posters, Ladislav Sutnar, Vladimir Tatlin, Karel Teige, Alexander Vesnin)
De Stijl (Theo Van Doesburg, Vilmos Huszar, Piet Mondrian, Piet Zwart,)
Bauhaus (Herbert Bayer, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Oskar Schlemmer, Joost Schmidt)
The New Typography (Henry C. Beck, Eric Gill, Rudolf Koch, Paul Renner, Joost Schmidt, Ladislav Sutnar, Jan Tshichold, Piet Zwart)
Art Deco (A. M. Cassandre, E. McKnight Kauffer, J.C. Leyendecker, Charles Loupot, Rene Vincent, Frank Llyod Wright)
Dada (Hugo Ball, George Grosz, Raoul Hausmann, John Heartfield, Hannah Hoch, Kurt Schwitters, Ilya Zdanevitch)
Swiss international Style (Theo Ballmer, Kunstgewerbeschule Basel, Josef Muller-Brockmann, Alexey Brodovitch, Armin Hofmann, Max Huber, Herbert Matter, Emil Ruder)
Modernism (Lester Beall, Gyorgy Kepes, Alvin Lustig, Cipi Pinelles, Paul Rand, Bradbury Thompson)
Deconstruction (Neville Brody David Carson, Ed Fella, Katherine McCoy)
Psychedelia (Victor Moscoso, Wes Wilson)
Women in Design (Louise Fili, Sheila Levrant DeBretteville, Marlene McCarty, Cipe Pinelles, Martha Scotford)
New York School (Saul Bass, Ivan Chermayeff, George Lois, Herb Lubalin, Alvin Lustig, Cipe Piineles,, Paul Rand, Bradbury Thompson, Henry Wolf)
Corporate ID (Saul Bass and Associates, Lester Beall, Chermayeff & Geismar Associates, Lou Dorfsman, Manhatten Design- Pat Gorman and Frank Olinsky Paul Rand)
Conceptual Image
(Paul Davis, Pushpin - Milton Glasser & Seymour Chwast, Woody Pirtle, Wes Wilson)
Postmodern Graphic Design & Digital (Neville Brody, David Carson Design, Émigré- Rudy Vanderlans (@Émigré), Zuzana Licko (@Émigré, Edward Fella, Louis Fili, April Greiman, Caren Goldberg, Tibor Kalman, Katherine McCoy, McCoy group at Cranbrook Academy, Pentagram Studios- Paula Scher (@Pentagram, Woody Pirtle (@Pentagram, The Thunder Jockeys, Michael Vanderbyl, Rudy Vanderlans Wolfgang Weingart)
Contemporary (Adams/Morioka, Gerald Bustamante, Margo Chase Design, Kyle Cooper @Imaginary Forces, Jeffery Keedy (@Cipher), Chip Kidd, Vaughan Oliver, Michael Vanderbyl, Martin Venezky, James Victore)
Punk /Music Graphics (Art Chantry, Stephan Sagmeister, SubPop)
Street Graphics (Banksy, Shepard Fairey, stencil /graffiti)

Graphic Design Timeline- Megg’s History of Graphic Design

• Preparing the report will help you understand the dimensions of research and learn how to refine your strategies not only for finding information but also for narrowing your topic into a workable whole.
• In presenting your topic to the class, you will improve your communication skills and demonstrate your knowledge of design and design-related terminology.

Proposal Guidelines: Write a brief summary about your topic of choice and how you will go about presenting it.

Research topic
a. Why you are choosing the topic?
b. What do you hope to learn from it?

Thesis statement or central point
a. What do you want to prove or discuss?
b How you will go about proving or discussing it?

a. Introductory paragraph including thesis statement or central point
b. Body of paper- major stages of thought in proving thesis
c. Conclusion- summation and significance of your paper

a. What will your discussion consist of?
b. What visual aids will you use (PowerPoint, Printed Images,
c. Will you involve the class with any discussion that will help
them further understand the topic you are discussing.

Report Guidelines:
• Report should be a minimum of 3 pages, double-spaced, and typed in 12pt font.
• Report should begin with a summary of the broader topic, as well as, the specific designers or design works you are featuring.
• Following the summary, formulate your central point about your subject. To arrive at a thesis or central point ask yourself questions that will lead to narrowing your topic. Whatever central point you decide to prove or discuss, support your position with ideas from your research sources.
• Images relevant to your text may be integrated into your report where appropriate.
• Conclude by summing up your position and explain the significance of your ideas to the reader.
• Document your paper using MLA parenthetical notes in the text and include a list of works cited in MLA format.
See MLA handout attached.

Grading Criteria: See rubric.

Presentation Guidelines:
• Verbally present to the class the period of design you chose to research using Power Point.
• Pinpoint specific aspects of the period.
• Involve your audience if possible- ask pertinent questions of class members.
• If you have handouts, make enough copies for the whole class.
• Take your time with the presentation. Make it thoughtful and challenging for the class.
• You will have a minimum of 15 minutes of class time to share with us.

You may want to consider:
• Discussing specific designers
• Comparing and contrasting works
• Describing works using design terminology
• Reacting to design works
• Describing emotional qualities of design works
• Reacting to comments of historians and critics
• Visually displaying works that relate to your topic
• Using articles to further the point you are trying to make
• Placing designers and design works in a cultural or historical context
• Discussing media and techniques specific to the period or particular works
• Discussing the relationship of the designs with the public

Grading Criteria: See rubric.

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